Structured water does not have the same properties as bulk water. Water is the carrier of the most important molecules of life, like proteins and DNA. In the book, “Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life,” evidence is presented that shows water is essential to everything the cell does. The water in our cells is not like water in a glass. It’s ordered pretty much like a crystal. Like ice, it excludes particles and solutes as it forms. The space formed is called an exclusion zone (EZ).

Here are some of the benefits we are starting to see:
  • Bigger Crops
  • Fast Maturing
  • Less Water Used
  • Lower Bills
  • Better Tasting
  • Healthier Animals
Farmers farming with structured water are saving thousands of dollars because the health of the animal is better and so they don't require the usual expensive doses of antibiotics. Along with this both small and large scale vegetable and fruit growers talk about improvements all around.

Biological growth -research

Structured water has shown increased biological growth in studies in Pakistan, Colorado and Australia, where comparison tests between normal water and vortex and magnetic (partially) structured water has some incredible results.
up to 47% gain in crop yield

Pictured on the right is one of many examples. Here, water that has passed through  vortex structuring device shows 35% gain in growth yields, and water that has been structured twice shows a 40% gain.
Two Pakistan research studies at Rabi and Kharaf in Pusa Behar show gains in crop yield;
Kidney beans 39%, Palak 37%, Cow pea 43%, Cabbage 24%, Brinjal 30%, Bhindi 44%, Rice 47%, Maize 47%, french beans 37%, Cauliflower 29% Wheat 27%, Chillies 28%.
  • 30-50% reduction in water used for irrigation
  • reduced fertilizer requirements by 25-50%
  • minimizes use of pesticides + herbicides
  • improves shelf life of produce
  • allows brackish water to be used (up to 6000 ppm TDS)
Bees choose structured water
A farmer using structured water has studied bees from local hives that bypass sources of water much closer to their hive, and choose structured water on his farm., although having to travel significantly further.
Dairy - Longer milk shelf life
We at Torsion Field believe our technology can make milk last longer. 
Our testing on milk has shown a significant reduction in the oxidation of the structured milk compared to an unstructured sample. This phenomenon matches scientific studies by molecular biologists which show structured water is a reductant, not an oxidant.³ 

Dairy        Increase in yield. 2.5% - 15%
Vortex (partially) Structured water has proven itself in the dairy milk production industry. Since Vortex Structured Water was first introduced into numerous dairies there has always been the feedback of overall herd health and milk production increases. See details in the right hand column.  

How does it work?
Increasingly, research by molecular biologists is showing that structured water is essential in living cells. Voeikov and Del Guidice, Russian and Italian biologists have shown that in healthy biological cells the water is structured, and cells wherein the water is without structure, are diseased, cancerous or dead.
Fundamental role of water in bioenergetics; Feb 2007  Voeikov, Boloussov, Martynyuk.

.Real processes proceeding in water should significantly depend upon the presence of positive and negative catalysts of particular reactions, of substances affecting water structure, upon the nature of interfaces that it solvates, upon the action of external physical factors and fields. Studies of phenomena related to water may help in solving many practical problems of medicine, agriculture, environmental problems, in providing people with healthy drinking water, in optimization of technologies in which water is important.
Structured water improves the bioavailablity of phytochemicals.
 Due to its decreased surface tension and altered hydrogen bond angles, structured water is able to “better penetrate cell walls, allowing improved hydration and bioavailability” ⁴
In simpler terms, making your body improve it’s use of the healthy nutrients in fruits and vegetables.

Are phytochemical compounds important for health? According to the US National Library of Medicine and The National Institutes for Health, they are very important.  …..‘Natural phyto bioactive compounds are currently more in demand than the synthetic medicines for the treatment of diabetes owing to the rich availability, efficacy and fewer side effects’
BUT, are phytochemicals easily digested? Do they actually get to our cells that require them? According to the US National Library of Medicine and The National Institutes for Health;  …..Phytochemicals are located inside vacuoles and cell walls of plant cells. Most cell wall materials are indigestible by human enzymic systems. Therefore, digestibility of the phytochemicals is of great interest or reveals how the phytochemicals can affect human health and fight or prevent diseases Phytochemicals are located inside vacuoles and cell walls of plant cells. Most cell wall materials are indigestible by human enzymic systems. Therefore, digestibility of the phytochemicals is of great interest or reveals how the phytochemicals can affect human health and fight or prevent diseases Phytochemicals are located inside vacuoles and cell walls of plant cells. Most cell wall materials are indigestible by human enzymic systems. Therefore, digestibility of the phytochemicals is of great interest or reveals how the phytochemicals can affect human health and fight or prevent diseases.


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