Cannabis and Covid 19 : Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response
Cannabidiol Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication and Promotes the Host Innate Immune Response Long Chi Nguyen , *, 1 Dongbo Yang , *, 1 Vlad Nicolaescu , *, 2, 9 Thomas J. Best , 3 Takashi Ohtsuki , 4, ^ Shao-Nong Chen , 4 J. Brent Friesen , 4 Nir Drayman , 6 Adil Mohamed , 6 Christopher Dann , 1 Diane Silva , 5 Haley Gula , 2, 9 Krysten A. Jones , 7 J. Michael Millis , 8 Bryan C. Dickinson , 7 Savaş Tay , 6 Scott A. Oakes , 5 Guido F. Pauli , 4 David O. Meltzer , 3 Glenn Randall , #, 2, 9 and Marsha Rich Rosner #, 1 Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer The complete version history of this preprint is available at bioRxiv . Associated Data Supplementary Materials Go to: Abstract The rapid spread of COVID-19 underscores the need for new treatments. Here we report that cannabidiol (CBD), a compound...